
El Cant Dels Ocells

El Cant Dels Ocells Lyrics

Spanish Lyrics

En veure despuntar
El major illuminar
En la nit mes joiosa;
Els ocellettes cantant a festejarlo van,
Amb sa veu melindrosa.
Els a celletes cantant
A festejarlo van
Amb sa veu melindrosa.

L'ocell rei d'espai
Va pels aires volant,
Cantant amb melodia,
Dient: Jesus es nat
Per treure'ns del pecat
I darnos alegria.
Dient: Jesus es nat
Per treure'ns del pacat
I darnos alegria.

Respont-il el pardal:
Esta nit es Nadal
I es nit de gran contento
El verdum i el lluer
Diuen, cantant tambe:
O, quina alegria sento.
El verdum i el lluer
Diuen, cantant tambe:
O, quina alegria sento.

Cantava la perdiu:
Me'n vaig a fer el niu
Dins d'aguella establiam
Per voure l'Infant
Com esta tremolant
En bracos de Maria.
Per voure L'Infant
En bracos de Maria.

English Lyrics

Upon this holy night,
When God's star appears,
And floods the earth with brightness,
Birds' voices rise in song,
And, warbling all night long,
Express their glad heats' lightness.
Birds' boices rise in song,
And, warbling all night long,
Express their glad heart's lightness.

The Nightingale is first
To bring his son of cheer,
And tell us of his gladness:
"Jesus, our Lord, is born
To free us from all sin,
And banish ev'ry sadness!
Jesus, our Lord, is born
To free us from all sin,
And banish ev'ry sadness!"

The answ'ring Sparrow cries:
"God comes to earth this day
Amid the angels flying."
Trilling in sweetest tones,
The Finch his Lord now owns:
"To Him be all thanksgiving."
Trilling in sweetest tones,
The Finch his Lord now owns:
"To Him be all thanksgiving."

The Partridge adds his note:
"To Bethlehem I'll fly,
Where in the stall He'l lying.
There, near the manger blest,
I'll build myself a nest,
And sing my love undying.
There, near the manger blest,
I'll build myself a nest,
And sing my love undying."

Music Sheets