C'est le jour de la Noël Lyrics
Original French Lyrics C'est le jour de la Noël que Jésus est né {bis} Il est né dedans un coin, dessus la paille Il est né dedans un coin, dessus le foin. Saint-Joseph de son chapeau lui fit un berceau {bis} Il coucha l'enfant si doux dedans ses langes Il coucha l'enfant si doux sur ses genoux. Le boeuf roux et l'âne gris veillaient le petit {bis} Ils soufflaient bien doucement sur son visage Ils soufflaient bien doucement dessus l'enfant. Il apprendra le métier de la boutique Il apprendra le métier de charpentier. Qui bientôt le conduira jusqu'au supplice Qui bientôt le conduira jusqu'au trépas. | English Literal Translation It's Christmas day that Jesus was born (repeat) He was born in a corner, on top of straw He was born in a corner, on top of hay. He lay the infant down so softly in its swaddling clothes He lay the infant down on his knees. The red steer and the grey donkey were watching over the little one (repeat) They blew very softly on His face They blew very softly on the child. At the age of 15 when he is an adult (repeat) He will learn to be a storekeeper He will learn to be a carpenter. And for the first time will make a cross (repeat) Which will soon take him to be executed Which will soon lead him to his death. |